
tisdag 11 oktober 2016


Vous dormirez longstemps le lendemain
Je mangerai la nourriture le mois prochain
Nous jouerons au foot demain
Ils parleront avec leur papa demain
Tu regarderas la télévision le mois prochain
Je habiterai a Luleå

Je ecouterai sur le rap
Il mangera demain
Elle dormira demain

tisdag 13 september 2016

Je me present

Je me present
Je m’appelle Edvin, J’ai quinze ans et c’est mon anniversaire le seize juin. J’habite à Boden à södra svartbyn à côté de l’école.  J’ai un frère comme s’appelle Anton et il a dix-neuf ans et mes parents ont quarant-cinq.

J’ai des lunettes noir et mes cheveux sont courts et bruns. Je est grand et mes yeux sont bleu.

Il y a longtemps je commence jouer au foot.  J’aime le foot pour c’est amusant. Mon equipe de football est Sävast aif bienque j’ai joué dans bbk avant. Mon posistion est milieu de terrain, c’est amusant mais pénible pour il faut courir beaucoup.

J’aime ecouté la musique aussi bien que sur mon ordinateur. Mon musique préfère est hip-hop et indie.

Mon animal préfère est le chien parce que c’est un chien de chasse mais nous n’avons pas chien. Mon grand-père avait un chien que s’appelle Nalle.

J’aime lorsque il pleut benque ne jouer au foot pas. Le été est bon parce que je jouer au foot en été.

Mon matière préfère est education physique parce que on est actif et c’est amusant.

måndag 4 april 2016

Demonstrativa pronomen

  • Ce livre est bon
  • Cette barbe est grande
  • Cet ordinateur est nul
  • Ces poissons sont bons

måndag 8 februari 2016

Comparez les emploi du tomps

Nous avons plus de maths
Nous avons beaucoup plus d'anglais
Nous avons dix minutes plus d'art plastique
Leur jours est quarante minutes plus long
Leur récréation est environ dix mintues plus long.
ils ont beaucoup plus de e.p.s, environ une heure.

fredag 22 januari 2016


US and the obesity
Us is today fighting against the obesity, but 2 out of 3 people are obese. Things are changing dramatically, carseats and similar things are changing in size and the size S is fading away. They’re growing because they eat more calories than they burn.

People today are lazy, they eat if they have a chance. They’re getting used to eat whenever they can and our ancestors was the same, food was essential for living. And this is a weakness that we will always have, it’s natural. And now we have food ifThe thing is that people can’t do much about it because ”fast food” are a lot cheaper and easier to get than making a salad at home is way more expensive. And people that lost their jobs are not getting money, they’re given food stamps, food stamps for unhealthy food. Most of the people doesn’t have a choice they’re ”forced” into obesity. Sweden have a different system for people that lost their job, we're given money not food stamps. After the Santa Claus is Ronald McDonald the most recognized ”man” by kids in the US he even have his own TV show for kids. And the big companies as Coca Cola got over 3 billion dollar to spend on marketing, and that’s only in the US. So it’s pretty obvious that people get effected by it. We are effected by marketing and such an overwhelming amount makes it hard to not see it. 65% procent of the population got a BMI value over 25 and that’s considered as overweight. Have McDonalds and rest of the food chains taken it to far, some of the people of America doesn’t have much of a choice here.

McDonalds Loggan
There is a very high consummation of sodas in the US among the young people. They’re drinking 4 L of soda everyday that is around 1600 calories. So it’s being more common among the kids because it’s cheaper and the taste is better? The food chains are getting a lot of critics because they’re using kids vulnerability shameless. And fast food gives a bad feeling of satisfaction and that’s why people often eat more
than they should.

McDonalds exist around the world, even in India, muslims, hindus. Hindus doesn’t eat beef and muslims doesn’t eat pork so they’ve changed their burgers for the locals, and even the indians who doesn’t eat any meat at all got a veggie menu. McDonalds is growing rapidly in China because they’re used to different types of meat, often fried.

Singapore is using a rather drastic method, if there is anyone overweight are they forced into doing national service in 2,5 years.

I think this is a growing problem and it’s not only McDonalds to blame there is a lot of different food chains. Is there any solution here?

Svd and Aftonbladet is newspaper and they often have information that is correct and the other one have good information. I have looked at all of them and all the information look the same.